Huwebes, Oktubre 15, 2015

Creator of this Blog

Vernice Angelique V. Mangaban
 BEED, 3rd year student, 
Adamson University

Ma. Margaret F. Sacdal
BEED, 3rd yr student
Adamson University


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Schools all over the world have implemented computers and computer learning in the daily teaching curriculum, even as early as kindergartens. In private schools here in the Philippines they have at least one computer with a projector or LCD TV. where the teacher automatically flashes his/her lessons without using anymore traditional materials because in today's generation believe that students are tech savy. 

In some public schools in the Philippines have some technological tools like interactive white boards and desktop computers especially in Negros Occidental they have interactive whiteboards but most of the public schools here in the Philippines the teachers are still applying traditional ways of teaching.


Home Education is choice exercised with a full knowledge of responsibilities in relation to the requirements of a suitable curriculum, resources and facilities to support the program. Meaning the student is enrolled in a specific school that offers home schooling.

Home schooling is applicable for those students have difficulties in life. But they are given the same curriculum, lesson to learn, and school works and they are also given examination to pass the subject.  


Children does not only learn inside the classroom but of course everywhere they can learn new things. We should not limit the students in exploring their surrounding because as we always say experience is the best teacher. The very common example is when the students plays with other children in a playground he/she tend to discover new things. 

Schools offer educational tour which is classified as "out of the classroom setting" because it is literally outside the school and from that tour they can discover more new things and they experience different kind of stuffs and it offers a great learning to the students than just staying inside the 4 corners of a room and it makes learning fun. 


This place is the traditional setting for students' knowledge acquisition. According to John Dewey 
"We never educate directly but indirectly by means of the environment". Meaning the students learn different things from different people inside the classroom it could be from their friends, classmates or teacher. 

For example the student is shares her knowledge in a particular topic which proves the saying of john Dewey. For students to be able to interact with one another their seating arrangement should be arranged closer to each other.

In teacher's perspectives the teacher should not rearrange the seating arrangement but let the students be closer to each other. She or he should not be afraid that the students might copy each other's work but he/she should give them activity that the students will express their own work and nobody's work can  be the same with each other. 


It has been proven that children learn in a variety of ways and in different environments. The students could learn in a typical classroom, school grounds, outside the classroom or even at home. 
Learning environments has a big impact in student’s learning because it is a place to explore and learn more and it always depends on their surrounding